
Top-Ups Health Insurance

Top-ups health insurance works as a supplement to your primary health cover. These plans offer you the desired protection in case the sum insured amount of your current health insurance policy gets exhausted. So, if you think that your existing sum insured/coverage amount is not sufficient then a top-ups health plan is a good option for you.

What Are Top-Ups Health Insurance Plans?

A top-ups health insurance plan is an indemnity policy that provides additional medical coverage to people with an existing health insurance policy or an employer mediclaim policy. It allows people to get their medical expenses covered even if they have exhausted the sum insured of their regular health insurance policy. However, a top-ups plan comes with a mandatory deductible and provides coverage only after the insured has paid the deductible amount.

Features And Benefits of Top-Ups Health Insurance Plan

Easily convertible to a basic health plan
If both the parents are covered then you can include your children in the same plan
No restrictions and sub-limits are applicable on hospitalization expenses like fees charged by the medical practitioner, room rents, doctor fees etc.
There is a free-look period of 15 days from the date of policy purchase


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