Travel Insurance - Student / Working Professionals

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Travel Insurance - Working Professionals Student

Your International Student Travel Insurance Policy Provides You With Safety And Comfort While You’re Studying Abroad. Here’s A Look At The Features You Can Enjoy When You Purchase A TATA AIG Overseas Student Travel Insurance Plan


Cover For Accidents And Illnesses

Falling sick is always a terrible experience, but falling ill abroad is overwhelming. Travel Insurance will help to take care of the costs associated with getting treatment when you’re ill. But that isn’t all. An accident could lead to a short hospitalisation or end up being fatal. Whatever happens, International student travel insurance plan will help you deal with the costs. From emergency medical treatment to medical evacuation and the repatriation of the insured’s remains, Insurance will take care of everything. Travel insurance policy will even provide cover for emergency dental services, if required.

Compassionate Visit

 Being away from your family can be difficult, especially when somebody’s sick. If you’re hospitalised for more than seven consecutive days, your student travel insurance policy will help look after the cost of having a family member fly down to be with you. If a family member is ill back home and has been hospitalised for more than seven consecutive days, your travel insurance policy will help you cover the cost of flying down to be with them.

Study Interruption

There are a number of difficult situations that one might have to deal with while studying abroad. One could end up terminally ill or have to be hospitalised for treatment for more than a month. You might not want to think about it, but a family member may pass away, requiring you to travel back home immediately. If you end up unable to complete a semester for which you’ve already paid due to these unfortunate circumstances, your student travel insurance policy will help reimburse you for unused tuition fee.

Sponsor Protection

If your sponsor is fatally injured or left permanently disabled, your student travel insurance policy will help take care of your tuition fees for the remainder of your course.

Hijack Cover / Personal Liability / Baggage loss or delay & Travel Assistance will same as normal Travel insurance Policy.  


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