Travel Insurance – Domestic / International

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Travel Insurance – Domestic / International

Personal Accident Insurance is a type of insurance coverage that provides financial protection to individuals and their families in the event of accidents that result in injuries, disabilities, or death. This insurance is designed to help policyholders or their beneficiaries cope with the financial consequences of such accidents. Here are some key points to understand about Personal Accident Insurance:

Domestic Travel Insurance


Domestic travel insurance is designed to provide coverage for trips within your own country. It typically includes benefits such as trip cancellation and interruption coverage, which can reimburse you for non-refundable expenses if your trip is cancelled or interrupted due to covered reasons like illness or severe weather.

Emergency Medical Coverage

 Some domestic travel insurance plans may also offer limited emergency medical coverage, which can help cover medical expenses if you become ill or injured while traveling within your country.

Baggage And Personal Belongings

This coverage can help replace or reimburse you for lost, stolen, or damaged baggage and personal items during your trip.


Travel Assistance

Domestic travel insurance often includes travel assistance services, which can help with things like finding medical facilities, locating lost luggage, or arranging transportation in case of emergencies.

International / Overseas Travel Insurance :

Coverage : International travel insurance provides coverage for trips outside your home country. It typically includes all the benefits of domestic travel insurance, such as trip cancellation, emergency medical coverage, and baggage protection, but with broader coverage that extends to international destinations
Accident & Sickness Medical Expense : Under the Accident & Sickness Medical Expense, Travel insurance compensates for the medical expenses incurred by the insured because of being hospitalized. The policy provides coverage against Medical expenses up to the limit mentioned in the policy schedule
Medical Evacuation : Your travel insurance policy is your friend in times of need. If you require emergency medical evacuation to the nearest hospital, this policy will take care of that. In case you need to be evacuated and brought back to India for medical treatment, the travel insurance policy will look after that as well
Accidental Death and Repatriation : it’s possible that an accident or medical emergency abroad could end up being fatal. Travel insurance policy will provide your nominee with the full sum insured amount if this happens also take care of the cost of repatriating the insured individual’s remains back to their city of residence
Loss of Passport : Obtaining a new passport in a foreign country isn’t always easy. Your international travel insurance policy will help you with the necessary and reasonable expenses that are attached to getting a new passport made
Assistance While Travelling : If things go a bit wrong when you’re out of the city, you may need some assistance. Our travel insurance plan will help provide you with all necessary assistance required, right from legal help to getting lost luggage
Assistance While Travelling : If things go a bit wrong when you’re out of the city, you may need some assistance. Our travel insurance plan will help provide you with all necessary assistance required, right from legal help to getting lost luggage
Hijack Help : Travel insurance policy will offer something known as distress allowance in case the flight that you’re travelling on is hijacked
Delayed Flights : Bad weather or a local strike could delay your flight by more than 12 hours. If this is the case, you might have to book another night’s stay at a hotel or incur some other additional expenses. Our travel insurance policy will help you take care of these expenses if your flight happens to be delayed
Trip Curtailment or Cancellation : In case there’s an emergency and you have to travel back or cancel your entire trip, don’t worry. Travel insurance plan will reimburse you for any unused, non-refundable hotel and travel expenses
The cost of travel insurance can vary depending on factors such as your age, trip duration, destination, and the level of coverage you choose.


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