Auto/Motor Insurance

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Auto / Motor Insurance

In India, auto or motor insurance is a mandatory requirement for all vehicles under the Motor Vehicles Act,
1988. There are 4 type of broader classification

Car Insurance

All Kind of Private cars

2 Wheeler Insurance

All Kinds of 2 Wheelers

Commercial Vehicle Insurance

All Kind of Commercial Vehicles like Taxis, School Buses, Good Carrying Vehicle & Passenger Carrying Vehicles etc.

Miscellaneous - D

All kinds Ambulances, Loaders, Tippers, forklift etc.. comes under this.

There Are Primarily Two Types Of Motor Insurance Policies Available

Third-Party Liability Insurance

This is the minimum legal requirement for all vehicles in India. It covers the liability of the vehicle owner or driver towards a third party for injury, death, or property damage caused by the insured vehicle.



Limits: The coverage limits are decided by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) and can’t be modified by the insurer

Comprehensive Insurance -

Also known as “Package Policy” or “Own Damage Policy,” this type of insurance provides coverage for damage or loss to your own vehicle in addition to third-party liability coverage. It is not mandatory but highly recommended, especially for new and expensive vehicles.

Coverage -

Additional Coverages And Add-Ons That You Can Opt For Under Comprehensive Insurance Include

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Zero Depreciation Cover

This add-on eliminates the deduction of depreciation from the claim amount for parts replaced in case of damage.


Engine and Gearbox protection

It covers damages to the engine due to water ingression or hydrostatic lock.


Consumables Cover

This covers expenses for consumable items like engine oil, nuts, bolts, and screws that are not typically included in a standard policy.


Return to Invoice

This add-on ensures that you receive the original invoice value of your vehicle in case of theft or total loss.


NCB (No Claim Bonus) Protection

Protects your NCB discount even if you make a claim during the policy period.

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Roadside Assistance

Provides help in case your vehicle breaks down on the road. It includes services like towing, tire change, and fuel delivery.


Key & Lock Cover

This add-on ensures that you receive the original invoice value of your vehicle in case of theft or total loss.


Loss of personal belongings

Protects your NCB discount even if you make a claim during the policy period.

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Tyre Protect

Provides help in case your vehicle breaks down on the road. It includes services like towing, tire change, and fuel delivery.

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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)