Pet Insurance

Pet Insurance

For a lot of us, our pets are like our family. We do everything we can to take care of them. We ensure that our pets are well-fed, trained well, get enough of space to run and be fit and, of course, get showered with love and attention. So why not include them in the circle of protection that insurance offers



Surgery Expenses And Hospitalization Cover

This is the only mandatory cover in this product which includes

Surgery Expenses

This cover allows you to claim the surgery expenses for treatment of dog, carried out by a qualified vet, up to a maximum of INR 50000. It also gives your pet cover for pre and post-surgery expenses, so your pet can recover comfortably.  Additionally, you also get protected against the treatment of a fractured limbs of the pet dog, subject to a maximum limit of INR 5000.

Hospitalization Expenses

If your pet has to be hospitalized, this is the cover that will safeguard you financially for the expenses that will be incurred, subject to maximum of INR. 2500 per day of hospitalization of Insured dog for a maximum of 4 days.

Mortality Benefit Cover

This optional cover allows you to file a claim up to the SI (Sum Insured) that you’ve opted for in case your dog unfortunately passes away due to an illness, an accident, from breeding, pregnancy or due to euthanasia prescribed by the vet. The mortality benefit cover also pays you INR 3,000 for the cremation/burial of your dog.

Terminal Diseases Cover

This optional cover provides you a lump sum compensation of INR 30,000, if your favourite pal is diagnosed with any of following critical illnesses

Kidney failure
Coagulation disorders
Cardiac dysfunctions

Long Term Care Cover

 The optional long term care cover provides you a lump sum compensation of INR 25,000, if your furry friend is diagnosed with any of following illnesses, which requires long term care
Cushing’s Syndrome
Thyroid Dysfunction
Inflammatory Bowel Disease

OPD Cover

If your pet gets injured due to an accident, or contracts the diseases mentioned below, our optional OPD pet cover will be of great use. The diseases that are covered include.
Hepatitis/Liver Dysfunction
Inflammation of Prostate Glands
Vestibular Disorder
Eye Related Problems except for Glaucoma
Parvo virus

This covers protects you up to an expense of INR 30,000.  However, a deductible of 10% of the Claim amount, subject to a minimum of INR 1000, is applicable on every claim.

Third Party Liability Cover

Where there are pets there are bound to be accidents. If your pet happens to be the cause of a mishap that results into an injury, death, disease or property damage of someone else, this cover will have your back for the legal liability, if you opt for it.  Further, It also protect you against the legal costs of defending a claim.  You can opt for a Sum Insured of either INR 5 lakhs or INR 10 lakhs under this cover.

Theft/Straying/Lost Cover

Where there are pets there are bound to be accidents. If your pet happens to be the cause of a mishap that results into an injury, death, disease or property damage of someone else, this cover will have your back for the legal liability, if you opt for it.  Further, It also protect you against the legal costs of defending a claim.  You can opt for a Sum Insured of either INR 5 lakhs or INR 10 lakhs under this cover.


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    (10am - 05 pm)