
Insurance Products

We offer a range of insurance products, including but not limited to

Motor Insurance

Covers damages and liability related to automobiles.

Health Insurance

Covers medical expenses costs and healthcare- related.

Home Insurance

We also offer consulting and advisory services to help clients make informed decisions about their insurance and risk management strategies. This can include risk modelling, compliance consulting, and insurance program design.

Life Insurance

Provides financial support to beneficiaries in case of the insured's death.

Property and Casualty Insurance

Protects against damage to property and liability for injuries or damage caused to others.

Marine Insurance

Offers insurance for Transit risks by Road, Rail, Courier. Air & Sea. It can be domestic as well International

Liability Insaurance

For multinational corporations, we provide insurance and risk management services that extend across borders and comply with various international regulations.

Business Insurance

Provides coverage for businesses against various risks, such as property damage, liability claims, and employee-related issues.

Employee Benefits​

Offering employee benefits packages like Group health insurance, Group term insurance, Keyman Insurance and retirement plans to businesses looking to attract and retain talent.


Risk Management Services

Beyond insurance products, We often provide risk management services, which can include

Gap Analysis

Evaluating the risks a client faces and determining the appropriate insurance coverage.

Cost Audit

Advising clients on measures to reduce the likelihood of losses or accidents.

Claim Advisory

Assisting clients in filing and managing insurance claims effectively.

Policy T&C Audit

Tailoring insurance and risk management solutions to meet specific client needs.

Assest Quality Audit

Evaluating the risks a client faces and determining the appropriate insurance coverage.

Risk Audit

Advising clients on measures to reduce the likelihood of losses or accidents.

Loss Prevention

Assisting clients in filing and managing insurance claims effectively.

Health Checkup

Tailoring insurance and risk management solutions to meet specific client needs.

Why Assurein

We Differentiate

Why Assurein

MARKET ANALYSIS :- Due Diligence for best suited product as per global standards to make sure you get a significant deal.
CLAIM ADVISORY :- Hand holding right from timely intimation to one shot documents submission and follow-ups for speedy settlement.
NON-DISCRIMINATORY PRODUCT ADVICE :- Offering unbiased products and suitable policies for specific customer needs.
TELL US ONCE :- One-time KYC for faster Turn around time with help of superior data management practices
ONE STOP SHOP :- Comprehensive Risk Management with all types of insurance products from all leading insurers under one roof.
Member-only discounts and rewards

Our expert team will help you.

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