Comprehensive Home Insurance (Building With Content)

Contents Insurance

Contents insurance is a type of home insurance. It covers loss or damage to all the things in your home that aren’t part of the structure or building. Find out what you can claim on it and how to get a good deal.

How Does Contents Insurance work?

Have you ever wondered how you’d cope if you lost your valuables to fire, theft or damage from flooding? That’s what contents insurance is for – to provide financial protection if those things happen.

It covers all your personal belongings – anything not physically attached to the building – against the cost of loss or damage.

The other type is buildings insurance (which protects the structure of your house and its permanent fixtures). You can buy both types of insurance separately, or you can buy them as a joint home insurance policy.

What Does Contents Insurance Cover?

Policies can vary in terms of what exactly they cover, but they usually include:

electrical goods.


Inquiry Now

    View our 2020 Medical prospectus of brochure for an easy to read guide on all of the services offer.

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